关 键 字:
产品展示 >> 不锈钢肥皂  
产品名称: 不锈钢肥皂
关 键 词: 不锈钢 肥皂
产品编号: HF-ESA001
产品产地: 中国
简要说明: 不锈钢制品

详 细 资 料

供货能力: 100,000pcs/month
最小订货量: 10,000 pcs
付款方式: 电汇 信用证
装运期限: 35天内
价格条件: FOB 上海
详细说明: The soap can get rid of all kinds of peculiar smells, such as fishy smells, garlic smells, etc, through rubbing your hands with the soap in the flowing water for 40 seconds and then wash your hand in the clean water. This product is free of harm to your skin, but it functions as massage to your hands.
包装信息: 标准盒
联 系 人: 褚先生
联系方式: hardware@hi-fine.com
点击数:713  录入时间:2009/3/31 【打印此页】【返回】【顶部】